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RZS: U 2024. izvoz robe iz Srbije veći 1,8 odsto a uvoz povećan 5,9 odsto

Spoljnotrgovinska robna razmena Srbije u 2024. godine iznosila je 68,19 milijardi evra, što je rast od 4,1 odsto u odnosu na prethodnu godinu, objavio je danas Republički zavod za statistiku. Izvoz robe imao je vrednost od 29,16 milijardi evra i uvećan je 1,8 odsto, dok je uvoz od 39,03 milijarde [...]

The main conceptual idea of the text is that Serbian foreign trade experienced growth in 2024, but the trade deficit widened. Here's a breakdown: * Exports increased by 1.8%, reaching €29.16 billion. * Imports climbed by 5.9%, reaching €39.03 billion. * This resulted in a significantly larger trade deficit of €9.86 billion, a 19.9% increase compared to 2023. The text also highlights a decrease in the coverage of imports by exports (from 77.7% in 2023 to 74.8% in 2024). Although trade volume grew, the faster growth in imports compared to exports indicates that Serbia is still heavily reliant on foreign goods, resulting in an increasing trade imbalance.

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